Memory and Molecules Dump

DNA Methylation and Establishing Memory – I don’t recall reading this paper, but it’s so sympatico with the RNA based memory/mechanics of stimulation posts I’ve made. It’s still stuck on the neuronal/cortical models, but it’s a good introduction to the concept of how RNA create engrams and how stimulation (like tDCS) may modify behavior even if brains aren’t “electric”.

Inheritance of associative memories and acquired cellular changes in C. elegans – Posting this puts a bit of egg on my face considering how skeptical I’ve been about transfer of memory.

Non-coding RNA in the wiring and remodeling of neural circuits – From idle speculation to softly supported.

Age‑related brainstem degeneration through microRNA modulation in mice – Whoa, great stuff here!

The Role of Non-coding RNAs in Alzheimer’s Disease: Pathogenesis, Novel Biomarkers, and Potential Therapeutic Targets

Profile analysis of differentially expressed long non‑coding RNAs in metabolic memory induced by high glucose in human umbilical vein endothelial cells – What a fascinating idea, that offspring are being “taught” by what the parents have “learned” before they are even “born”.

An efficient deep learning based predictor for identifying miRNA-triggered phasiRNA loci in plant – Universal to all eukaryotes?

Memory Unlocks the Future of Biomolecular Dynamics: Transformative Tools to Uncover Physical Insights Accurately and Efficiently – Heh, when “AI” finally gets interesting to me.

Maintenance of a short-lived protein required for long-term memory involves cycles of transcription and local translation – Wow, this subject has been ripping along this year.

Learning induces unique transcriptional landscapes in the auditory cortex – Cool preprint!

Single-cell transcriptome profiling reveals enriched memory T-cell subpopulations in hypertension – Have been wanting to make a note to include more “immune” related work.

Transmission of stimulus-induced epigenetic changes through cell division is coupled to continuous transcription factor activity – Which introduces a whole new level of targets, hitting transcription factors instead of cell level expression to address “systemic” insults (like the hypertension work above).

Long Non-Coding RNAs of Plants in Response to Abiotic Stresses and Their Regulating Roles in Promoting Environmental Adaption – Yeah, a lot of my skepticism regarding transfer to offspring is getting bullied pretty bad right now.

Differential Effects of Astrocyte Manipulations on Learned Motor Behavior and Neuronal Ensembles in the Motor Cortex – Astrocytes are the mitochondria of the multicellular environment! Or something, lol.

Self-empowerment of life through RNA networks, cells and viruses – The idea that the big shift from RNA world to LUCA(s) was from external to internal replication modes is interesting. The argument though, is DNA just “densified” encoded environmental data, which need RNA to decrypt/encode?

Hearing Vocalizations during First Social Experience with Pups Increase Bdnf Transcription in Mouse Auditory Cortex – “Golden Hour” long term brainstem writes.

Probing transient memory of cellular states using single-cell lineages – How do new cells already know how to interpret auto-inducers in their specific environmental state?

Circular RNAs: New players involved in the regulation of cognition and cognitive diseases – Generally fuck this shit, but circular RNAs are a very intriguing pathway.

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders and time-of-day-dependent memory deficiency in Presenilin1/2 conditional knockout mice with long noncoding RNA expression profiling changes – Huh.

Differential regulation of mRNA stability modulates transcriptional memory and facilitates environmental adaptation – Okay, this is coming more into focus.

Septin Defects Favour Symmetric Inheritance of the Budding Yeast Deceptive Courtship Memory – What a wrinkle! So a) the transfer isn’t permanent, it only lasts a generation or two unless reinforced, and b) It’s induced by RNA external to the oocyte/cell prior to mitosis. This implies that my skepticism was sort of right in that it’s not inducing a genetic change, only a temporary expression change.

Remodeling How Biological Memory Works

Are non-coding RNA the substrate of memory?

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