Memory is an artifact of hippocampal processing, not the primary function.

In progress obvs.Memory as a whole is not a primary function of brains as a whole, but an efficiency adaptation which allows better prediction accuracy.The primary function of the hippocampus is to reconcile external/dorsal/stimuli based representations of the world with an internal/ventral/context based representation.Arguments so far:

  • Short term memory loss via chemical/environmental factors or insultLong term functionality with memory lossDevelopmental process of developing memory in the first placeEthological examination of memory and functionArchitectural examination of CA regions

  • Does the hippocampus see memory at all? Most data the hippocampus processes has already been reconciled by the time it enters the hippocampal transform.

  • Is conscious experience an artifact of those information integration centers reconciling data?Is consciousness the experience of cruft data being disposed of rather than the actual sensation of being?

  • Memory circuitry outside the hippocampal complexInnate behavior and the Mammillary Bodies/HypothalamusCerebellar/DCN transform equivalentsMissing elements in the brainstem

    Edit: The idea of consciousness being “processing poop” is kind of hilarious but I can’t defeat the analogy under this construct.

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