Neuralink Presentation

In Case You Missed It:

You didn’t miss much. The team is so engineering heavy that they have no path toward making any genuine breakthrough on the physiological end because they are assuming nervous systems are simple electrical bleep bloops. I think the most telling part of the whole presentation was when one of the presenters was like “Look, we can cause muscle contractions with electricity, and maybe some day, relay data back the other way!” Like, you didn’t need to use an implant to do that dude, you could have just used a TENS device on the outside of the skin.

Everything about the presentation was so devoid of an actual understanding of how brains work and so obsessed with the technology that it’s kind of shocking that this is being promoted as a neuroscience company at all. The most telling part was how aggressively they punted away from talking about subcortical/brain stem/cerebellar structures, something that Elon rambled on about in their last presentation a few years ago. The “shocking the brain to make phosphenes magically turn into vision” thing was hilarious and has a 100% chance of ultimately resulting in apoptosis or epileptic conditions.

It was hilarious when one of the presenters got up and said they hope the device will be approved for humans in 6 months, then immediately cracked a huge grin because that was obviously bullshit. Tell Elon what he needs to hear, it’s kind of his MO to badger regulatory agencies to rush through half baked products anyway.

Can hype ultimately be harmful? I hope not.

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