Neurotensin Dump

Editorial: CNS pain circuits in health and disease – The perception of pain is gated by level of associated valence.

Neurokinin-1 Receptor-Immunopositive Neurons in the Medullary Dorsal Horn Provide Collateral Axons to both the Thalamus and Parabrachial Nucleus in Rats – Tree walk, supporting the medulla as initiation point of salience. So, it looks like valence isn’t a “decision” being processed in valence centers at all, it’s continually integrated up the chain and our valence centers (like the amygdala or nacc) interpret that valence signal and route accordingly.

Manipulations of Central Amygdala Neurotensin Neurons Alter the Consumption of Ethanol and Sweet Fluids in Mice – Wow. Anyone want to take bets on how soon we get drugs targeting this pathway? It’s bonkers that the signal is so easily modifiable at any point down stream. I mean it’s literally exactly how it’s supposed to work but it’s so fucking simple. What the hell.

A circuit from lateral septum neurotensin neurons to tuberal nucleus controls hedonic feeding

Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) systems: Promoting cocaine pursuit without distress via incentive motivation

Distinct neural networks derived from galanin-containing nociceptors and neurotensin-expressing pruriceptors – I’m screaming right now. So red nucleus (which makes sense) as core of dorsal system in “lower” mammals. Looks like ventral stream function is “consciousness” differentiator.

Target-specific projections of amygdala somatostatin-expressing neurons to the hypothalamus and brainstem – Christ, even the brainstem/hypothalamus functional equivalence looks like it was right. Wow.

Neurotensin is a metabolic gas pedal.

Serum Neurotensin: An Objective Mirror to Acne-induced Quality of Life and Psychological Impairment – Wow.

Immunolabeling Provides Evidence for Subregions in the Songbird Nucleus Accumbens and Suggests a Context-Dependent Role in Song in Male European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) – Consistent in avian models. Wow. Wow.

The neuropeptide landscape of human prefrontal cortex

Neuropeptide System Regulation of Prefrontal Cortex Circuitry: Implications for Neuropsychiatric Disorders – These are the type of stuff I’ve been looking for, this is the vascular/nervous system bridge. Nervous system signalling is dumb simple compared to the complexity of vascular signalling, this may be the impetus of puberty/hypothalamic transfer.

Ahh crap I think I deleted a bunch of links.

Light and Hormones in Seasonal Regulation of Reproduction and Mood

Should have just named this a general peptide dump, tagging Galanin on this as well.

Is the Solitary Nucleus the ventral root in mammals?

Genome-wide Scan of Dental Fear and Anxiety Nominates Novel Genes – Bro. I’d like to be the one to get angry about the assertion that “autists” fear the dentist… but I FUCKING HATE THE DENTIST. Easily one of the top three most anxiety inducing things I’ll do in year.

Inactivation of the thalamic paraventricular nucleus promotes place preference and sucrose seeking in male rats – They missed galanin, kind of a shame.

The Galaninergic System: A Target for Cancer Treatment

Galanin and Neuropeptide Y Interaction Enhances Proliferation of Granule Precursor Cells and Expression of Neuroprotective Factors in the Rat Hippocampus with Consequent Augmented Spatial Memory

Allatostatin A Signalling: Progress and New Challenges From a Paradigmatic Pleiotropic Invertebrate Neuropeptide Family

Endocrine cybernetics: neuropeptides as molecular switches in behavioural decisions – Oh god, so it begins.

Spexin and Galanin in Metabolic Functions and Social Behaviors With a Focus on Non-Mammalian Vertebrates

Stress, kisspeptin, and functional hypothalamic amenorrhea

Kisspeptins and norepinephrine regulate different G-protein-coupled receptor signaling pathways

Estrogen differentially regulates transcriptional landscapes of preoptic and arcuate kisspeptin neuron populations

The role of Kisspeptin signaling in Oocyte maturation

Opioidergic pathways and kisspeptin in the regulation of female reproduction in mammals

Prenatal androgen treatment impairs the suprachiasmatic nucleus arginine-vasopressin to kisspeptin neuron circuit in female mice

Kisspeptin in the Limbic System: New Insights Into Its Neuromodulatory Roles

Sexually dimorphic distribution of kiss1 and kiss2 in the brain of yellowtail clownfish, Amphiprion clarkii

Current Perspectives on Kisspeptins Role in Behaviour

Hypothalamic Kisspeptin Neurons Regulates Energy Metabolism and Reproduction Under Chronic Stress

Kisspeptin neuron electrophysiology: Intrinsic properties, hormonal modulation, and regulation of homeostatic circuits

Mammalian puberty: a fly perspective

Bisphenol A exposure advances puberty onset by changing Kiss1 expression firstly in arcuate nucleus at juvenile period in female rats

Kisspeptins inhibit human airway smooth muscle proliferation

A temperature-regulated circuit for feeding behavior


Negative regulation of ATP-induced inflammasome activation and cytokine secretion by acute-phase proteins: A mini review

The interplay between serine proteases and caspase-1 regulates the autophagy-mediated secretion of Interleukin-1 beta in human neutrophils

Epstein-Barr virus protein BKRF4 restricts nucleosome assembly to suppress host antiviral responses

TET proteins regulate T cell and iNKT cell lineage specification in a TET2 catalytic dependent manner – Wow

Identification of secreted proteins by comparison of protein abundance in conditioned media and cell lysates – I hadn’t thought of this before, but yeah even the most well constrained cultures have to be lousy with cross talk.

A molecularly defined D1 medium spiny neuron subtype negatively regulates cocaine addiction – It’s a shame interesting research like this has to be caked in such shit, especially since it causes them to miss the real correlation between morphology/particles and behavior.

Programmable RNA targeting by bacterial Argonaute nucleases with unconventional guide binding and cleavage specificity – It’s crazy how much reprogramming of other organisms happens.

Unconventional Secretion, Gate to Homeoprotein Intercellular Transfer

Okay, this is starting to splay out a bit much.

Distinct functions of three chromatin remodelers in activator binding and preinitiation complex assembly

Interplay among ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodelers Determines Chromatin Organisation in Yeast – Controlling cellular metabolism seems like it controls almost the entire internal process of other cells.

Chromatin-remodeling links metabolic signaling to gene expression – Yep. Wow.

Extracellular release of two peptidases dominates generation of the trypanosome quorum-sensing signal

Membrane translocation of folded proteins

Anchoring geometry is a significant factor in determining the direction of kinesin-14 motility on microtubules

Toward learning the principles of plant gene regulation

Accurate measurement of microsatellite length by disrupting its tandem repeat structure

An N-capping asparagine–lysine–proline (NKP) motif contributes to a hybrid flexible/stable multifunctional peptide scaffold

A single molecule investigation of i-motif stability, folding intermediates, and potential as in-situ pH sensor

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