Optical in vivo imaging in humans

Was thinking a bit about how we could get over some of our information limitations in regard to breadth of data collected, and am wondering if we can replace electrophysiological devices with optical ones? We might even be able to do it fairly cheaply considering COTS sensors can create pixel widths >.5 micron already.

There are already single and two photon methods with probe sizes ~10 microns, which is smaller than devices like neuropixels 25 micron shanks. That’s enough for both lens and light source? We could use something like a single pixel setup (would have to miniaturize the shit out of it) to capture “good enough” two photon resolution which would supercede the quality of data we currently get from electrophysical methods. We should be able to get frame rates of ~1000 fps or better, and could make it portable by storing the data directly on an attached device (same size as a current electrostimulation device). We also have a lot more material options for the probes themselves.

Are GECIs safe enough for this? Can we get around GECIs altogether with some type of calcium specific spectroscopy? Or avoid it altogether with really high field MRI or ultrasound?

Edit: Link Dump –

Compressed ultrahigh-speed single-pixel imaging by swept aggregate patterns – Wow, better than I thought.

Functional ultrasound localization microscopy reveals brain-wide neurovascular activity on a microscopic scale – Oh wow. Haha, maybe we can surgically attach a fUS rig for movement work.

Multimodal Noninvasive Functional Neurophotonic Imaging of Murine Brain-Wide Sensory Responses – Hrm…

Transfer functions linking neural calcium to single voxel functional ultrasound signal – It does follow that there must be a measurable physiological change in these processes, even if due to the minute changes in thermal output. The challenge is getting the resolution low enough to be sensitive to it. Something the optical method might be better at.

A Review of Clinical Applications for Super-resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy – Hrm, this is better than what most PET scans can do.

Super-resolution ultrasound localization microscopy based on a high frame-rate clinical ultrasound scanner: an in-human feasibility study – I need to think about the construction of this a bit more. Need to test a couple things.

Microfluidic platforms for single neuron analysis – Something like this is big time on the wish list, being able to sample the metabolic environment directly, in “real-ish” time.

Towards Multiplexed and Multimodal Biosensor Platforms in Real-Time Monitoring of Metabolic Disorders

Emerging Applications of Optical Fiber-Based Devices for Brain Research

Semiconductor Multimaterial Optical Fibers for Biomedical Applications

A flexible and versatile system for multicolor fiber photometry and optogenetic manipulation

Single-molecule visualization of mRNA circularization during translation – Holy shit.

In vivo detection of GPCR-dependent signaling using fiber photometry and FRET-based biosensors

Monitoring the in vivo siRNA release from lipid nanoparticles based on the fluorescence resonance energy transfer principle – STOP FLIRTING WITH ME.

FRET as a biomolecular research tool — understanding its potential while avoiding pitfalls

Production of siRNA-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles using a Microfluidic Device – Love that this publisher has setup videos, wish it was standard.

Hybrid Nucleic Acid-Quantum Dot Assemblies as Multiplexed Reporter Platforms for Cell-Free Transcription Translation-Based Biosensors – It blows my mind to imagine how much more granular the data we could be recording is compared to now.

Developments in FRET- and BRET-Based Biosensors

Biophysical Approaches for the Characterization of Protein-Metabolite Interactions – Turns out my estimate was way, way off. We’re measuring a “zap of electricity” and trying to make correlations from it while this is going on underneath.

The Knowns and Unknowns in Protein–Metabolite Interactions – Getting sucked into biochem world again…

Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Nanobullet for Photoacoustic Imaging and Amplified Photothermal-Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer


Rapid quantification of miRNAs using dynamic FRET-FISH – 60 seconds? Golfham.

Fluorescent Probes for Biological Species and Microenvironments: from Rational Design to Bioimaging Applications – Feels like the next decade is going to go so fast it’ll feel like whiplash.

Transcranial cortex-wide Ca2+ imaging for the functional mapping of cortical dynamics – I’m listening.

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