Properties and hemispheric differences of theta oscillations in the human hippocampus


Evidence of hemispherical preference for the dorsal and ventral streams. This sets the dorsal stream as tending toward the right hemisphere and ventral stream toward the left hemisphere. This is pretty consistent with a lot of age old ideas about brains, including the “left brain vs. right brain” construct.

Another interesting emerging trend is we are starting to find multiple theta couplings, at least two but likely four. This sets the minimum bound for brain valence centers at two with a likely number at four. Amygdala Complex, Habenula Complex, NACC Complex and Putamen/Lentiform? Or maybe Putamen/Dentate Gyrus are a more integrated functional pairing than current thought assumes? If we assume Amygdala/Fornix are a functional pairing, this is kind of a visually obvious link.

I’m hoping over the next year we get a lot more brainstem/cerebellar data, there have to be equivalents for these structure in those areas. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for that data right now, lol.

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