Shifting the paradigm: Astrocytes as the fundamental unit of behavioral function

(Will be editing this in place).

Astrocytes and Behavior

Side-by-side comparison of the effects of Gq- and Gi-DREADD-mediated astrocyte modulation on intracellular calcium dynamics and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampal CA1

Recent insights on astrocyte mechanisms in CNS homeostasis, pathology, and repair

Disruption of the astrocyte–neuron interaction is responsible for the impairments in learning and memory in 5XFAD mice: an Alzheimer’s disease animal model

Calcium Signals in Astrocyte Microdomains, a Decade of Great Advances

Molecular diversity of diencephalic astrocytes reveals adult astrogenesis regulated by Smad4

Modeling of Astrocyte Networks: Toward Realistic Topology and Dynamics

The cell biology of synapse formation

Computational Models for Calcium-Mediated Astrocyte Functions

A Compartmental Model to Investigate Local and Global Ca2+ Dynamics in Astrocytes

GABAergic signaling to astrocytes in the prefrontal cortex sustains goal-directed behaviors

Potential and Realized Impact of Astroglia Ca 2 + Dynamics on Circuit Function and Behavior

Sensing and Regulating Synaptic Activity by Astrocytes at Tripartite Synapse

Astrocyte dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: from the perspectives of transmitted α-synuclein and genetic modulation

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