The Hippocampal Transform

One of the primary conceits in my current model is the concept of “Dorsal/Ventral” streams. My original inception to this idea came from hippocampal work which specifically noted differential activity of dorsal vs. ventral regions of the hippocampus, and after exploring other brain structures discovered that most of them also have histologically distinct divisions.

My original premise for this was the in full “Dorsal/Ventral Hippocampal Transform”, but abandoned the hippocampus specifically because the evidence appeared to show that the division was far more pervasive than just the hippocampus. A link to early investigation of the mechanic.

Coming back around full circle, this study: Detailed Analysis of Dorsal-Ventral Gradients of Gene Expression in the Hippocampus of Adult Rats is exact enough in my presumed mechanics that I’m afraid it’s confirmation bias (again again, lol). Despite it being MDPI, the findings themselves are very consistent with all prior work I’ve seen and of course throw more wood on the fire for the model in general.

In an attempt to clarify by function a bit more should we be referring to the streams as the “Allocentric”/”Egocentric” transform? Does this make more sense than Dorsal/Ventral (especially since they aren’t strictly dorsal/ventral in all areas the morphological distinction occurs)? Is the concept of the hippocampus acting as a stream processor in combination with some yet poorly defined pontine/cerebellar mechanic still controversial?

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