
Open to volunteers and/or ideas here.

I spun up this forum mostly as a place where I could scratchpad ideas based on a ground up follow the data kind of approach mostly because I was kind of shocked at how ineffectual current neuro/psych understandings are in predicting anything useful.

The primary impetus of the site should be helping people develop their own model and test them for predictiveness. It should be relatively agnostic to the nature of the idea, if someone wants to start a model around quantum vibration dopamines, more power to them. Something like a model weight checklist would help automatically weight the model being shared (and maybe eventually have a “site” or “fan” rating for the edge cases). Maybe I could find time to write something like that, I haven’t played with JS in awhile. But mostly just here’s this example and the data we used to support it, and these are the rules that we applied to it.

In addition to the model school, a layer selectable brain/nervous system model with different conceits on the layers. For example, one could click on “default mode network” and it would show DMN ranges, then click on say “ARAS” and compare the structures which are touched. Continually add label tags, so “Glymphatic Network” and maybe sub tags like the year so we can see the change over time. My brain has this looking like those stacked animation cells.

One thing that would be helpful for me personally, is that within image model each specific region has a dump that pops up, or even just an search term link to pubmed, WoS, and google scholar.

Would be kind of cool if the site could demonstrate just how diverse human nervous systems are (same as other animals), and our understandings are usually gross oversimplifications of that diversity.

Anyway, my ideas for it are way larger than the effort I’m willing to put in myself. In lieu of that effort just make it about the information and the process rather than individuals (especially me).

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