Topic Dump

Posts with lots of links focused on a particular topic

February Dump

Pons-to-cerebellum hypoconnectivity along the psychosis spectrum and associations with sensory prediction and hallucinations in schizophrenia – Eh, but at least we are looking in the right place now. KCNA2 IgG autoimmunity in neuropsychiatric diseases Brain energy metabolism is optimized to minimize the cost of enzyme synthesis and transport – The title would have been a ton better …

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January Dump, I should have put this on the website first…

Neural substrates of cough control during coughing – The ponto-cerebellar bridge is where the money is. Retracted: An Automated Deep Learning Model for the Cerebellum Segmentation from Fetal Brain Images – Why doesn’t any work ever get more than a “medium” weight on it’s own, no matter how thorough? Why am I so skeptical of peer review? …

January Dump, I should have put this on the website first… Read More »

Cerebellar tDCS quick dump

Modulation of Resting-State Brain Complexity After Bilateral Cerebellar Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Randomized Controlled Trial Study – So this is pretty close to my original cerebellar “kick” montage, the difference being it requires a five to ten minute “prime” doing cathodal stimulation on the cerebellum first, then switching …

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Mechanical Functions of Cells Dump

A primary point of divergence for the model is the assertion that electro-chemical processes are actually an artifact of mechanical forces. When we measure “electrical” function in cells, we are actually inferring the mechanical processes which generate the gradients. Mechanosensitive Piezo1 Channel in Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Central Nervous System – All cells are …

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