Idle Musing

Some cool stuff and random musings…

Subcortical and cerebellar volume differences in bilingual and monolingual children: An ABCD study – brain explodes. I have so many thoughts about this. First, this suggests that native bilinguals store less of their object representation information in the DCN/cerebellum, and more of their object information in limbic/cerebral areas. HOW COOL IS THAT? The idea that language learning …

Some cool stuff and random musings… Read More »

Time perception as a function of integration “staple” density

I guess there’s two different paths this was pushing along, the first was that “time” doesn’t really exist like we perceive it or talk about it in most physics models, it’s a property we derive from causality. And we like causality because it appears, thus far, to be an inviolable universal constant. Rather than “time”, …

Time perception as a function of integration “staple” density Read More »

The Gravity of it All

Something I can’t really wrap my head around the last couple of days is the gravity of what it means if “autism” related genes are experiencing a selective sweep right now. If you’re familiar with the current astronomical definition of a planet, a selective sweep is similar to the “clears it’s own orbit” requirement.

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