Neural substrates of cough control during coughing – The ponto-cerebellar bridge is where the money is.
Retracted: An Automated Deep Learning Model for the Cerebellum Segmentation from Fetal Brain Images – Why doesn’t any work ever get more than a “medium” weight on it’s own, no matter how thorough? Why am I so skeptical of peer review? Getting caught cheating just means you were extra-ordinarily sloppy. (Also, that whole Hindawi imprint is pretty terrible as a whole).
Allopregnanolone pleiotropic action in neurons and astrocytes: calcium signaling as a unifying mechanism – The cognitive contortions necessary to keep neurons equal weight with astrocytes in cognition is getting amazing enough that even the pesky Russian judge is giving high scores now.
A maximum of two readily releasable vesicles per docking site at a cerebellar single active zone synapse – Wow. I guess it’s just binary comparisons all the way down.
Neural correlate of reduced respiratory chemosensitivity during chronic epilepsy – Heh, the adaptivity of biological systems is amazing from a distance.
Subcortical responses to music and speech are alike while cortical responses diverge – Kind of cool right?
Brainstem astrocytes regulate breathing and may affect arousal state in rats – Zen is a lack of astrocyte activity. A corollary to ignorance is bliss.
Neural coordination of bilateral hand movements: evidence for an involvement of brainstem motor centres – *chuckles*. Where’s that Nic Cage gif?
Potential uses of auditory nerve stimulation to modulate immune responses in the inner ear and auditory brainstem – Yeah, this is what I’m talking about.
A direction-selective cortico-brainstem pathway adaptively modulates innate behaviors – So salience starts at the olives or olives + pyramids interaction?
Structural and functional organization of visual responses in the inferior olive of larval zebrafish – This just feels so weird, asking a question like the one above and a few days later coming across a response like this. I’m pretty sure that was the only missing sensory response filtering through the olives. Touch, taste, vision, sound, and smell all filter through the olivary complex at some point for processing and routing up through the cerebellum if necessary.
The cerebellum – Another eh review, but figure 1 is a great example of ventral modification of behavior. I still don’t get why work like this bends over backward so hard to hero worship, like this thing mentions Cajal directly a billion times to start.
Smaller total and subregional cerebellar volumes in posttraumatic stress disorder: a mega-analysis by the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD workgroup – Extending the conceit that hallucinatory symptoms associated with PTSD (or “Schizophrenia”) are the result of the brainstem bypassing the cerebellum and doing direct writes to the low level data which forms the stream, this work suggests lower volumes in the cerebellum dependent on symptom severity.
Paternal Prenatal and Lactation Exposure to a High Caloric Diet Shapes Transgenerational Brain Macro and Microstructure Defects, Impacting Anxiety-like Behavior in Male Offspring Rats – I’M FUCKING SCREAMING. Breast Feeding Baby Boys LEADS TO ASPERGERS. FUCKING DEAD. “We didn’t say that!” The fuck you didn’t. (Yes I understand it’s more nuanced than this, it’s more like Gen A Long Breast Feeding Cycle -> Gen B Low Breast Feeding = Aspergers)
Giant cerebellar cavernous malformation in children: A case report and literature review – So remember the whole “The Cerebral and Cerebellar Cortex are the same thing” thing? The cerebral and the cerebellar cortex can be recisioned the same way with the same effects.
Suprapontine Structures Modulate Brainstem and Spinal Networks – I don’t think I’ll ever get over how ghoulish some of this stuff is. That said, they do demonstrate how CPG output is transformed by the pons/brainstem into salience.
Causation in neuroscience: keeping mechanism meaningful – Great discussion, excellent depth.
Neural evidence of switch processes during semantic and phonetic foraging in human memory
Two is company: The posterior cerebellum and sequencing for pairs versus individuals during social preference prediction – Sequentiality is probably the least understood aspect of cognitive processing. It’s probably the driving mechanic for most psychiatric concepts.
An information theoretic score for learning hierarchical concepts
The Human Cerebellum as a Hub of the Predictive Brain – Heh, meaning is a prediction.
Linking inter-subject variability of cerebellar functional connectome to clinical symptoms in major depressive disorder – I feel bad including stuff like this, but.. completeness I guess.
Theta-tACS modulates cerebellar-related motor functions and cerebellar-cortical connectivity – Stuff like this always seems interesting until you get to the methods and data, then fucking woof.
Comprehensive exploration of multi-modal and multi-branch imaging markers for autism diagnosis and interpretation: insights from an advanced deep learning model – I don’t know if I’m just overly grumpy or today’s feed is dogshit. Maybe both.
Brain clearance of protein aggregates: a close-up on astrocytes – It occurs to me that the only reason we are so focused on the particular proteins we are for dementia is mostly due to first mover effect. That creates the seed concept that others can build everything else off of. It’s an interesting thing how difficult it appears to be for the cerebellum to instantiate new seed concepts/objects, particularly as we age. It’s not about taus or amyloids, these are just ubiquitous proteins. It’s more about aging gunking up the machines and creating more misfolds as a whole. So less about the particular protein, more about the machinery misfolding int he first place.
A circRNA ceRNA network involved in cognitive dysfunction after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion – Imagine what’s going to happen when we discover for the 800th time that RNA are the substrate of intercellular communication?
Neural basis of writing in prodromal to mild dementia with lewy bodies – Inability to bind (agraphia) as cerebellar/DCN, insensitivity to error (cerebral/Subiculum?). We have two distinct types of behavioral deficit which can be applied to all stages of development. I think this might be an important model concept, e.g. instead of describing “ADHD”, we describe an insensitivity to error. We can subclass this down to “internal/self” error and/or “external/social” error, and so on.
The superior colliculus projection upon the macaque inferior olive – Wow, the map in the olives are more complex than I thought? Wow.
Astrocytes modulate cerebral blood flow and neuronal response to cocaine in prefrontal cortex – Beta astrocytes vs. Alpha astrocytes
Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Cerebellar Astrocytes across Developmental Stages and Brain Regions – Much much more of this please.
Aging, Neurodegenerative Disorders, and Cerebellum – There’s a pitch that “schizophrenia” represents a type of accelerated regional aging/dementia.
Heritability estimation of subcortical volumes in a multi-ethnic multi-site cohort study (Pre-Print) – This deserves a healthy amount of salt. I get why they say it, but it’s still a dumb thing to say “sub cortical” than then talk about the cerebellar cortex.
A hierarchical atlas of the human1 cerebellum for functional precision mapping (Pre-Print) – We need much much much much more of this, combined with the transcriptonomic work. When we get more precise stimulation tools, we have a compact enough area that we’ll be able to do some really fine grained tuning of behavioral affect. The best part of this paper is they went and pulled individuals and did inter-individual comparisons against them, rather than blurring an average. I hope that we can one day get inter-individual comparisons using each individual as a base as part of the data set one day. As an aside, I wish all papers had line numbers, kind of weird journals don’t require them.
Concerted neuron-astrocyte gene expression declines in aging and schizophrenia (Pre-Print) – Speaking of the devil.
Disease-associated astrocyte epigenetic memory promotes CNS pathology (Pre-Print) – Replace “epigenetic” with “RNA” and you’re much much closer as a general rule.
Glial cells react to closed head injury in a distinct and spatiotemporally orchestrated manner – Heh, for some reason this reminds me of that old playstation commercial that had a tagline of something like “It’s thinking”. This is interesting for a few reasons, one we get stimuli response from glia without needing input from receptor end points (the glial network processes data independently of inputs), and two it again illustrates the system level coordination of glial cells.
Disynaptic inhibitory cerebellar control over caudal medial accessory olive – Man I just can’t shake this feeling that we are describing our circuit flow backward. I really like the idea of dopaminergic and cholinergic systems flowing down into the olives rather than up from the ponto-cerebellar regions. It kind of reminds me of a hydraulic system. It’s like we are seeing the mechanical push happening on one end, but actual work is happening on the other end. This seems really consistent with why signalling between neuronal cells seems to flip flop each hop.
I’ve mentioned the cerebellum (likely) only weights the ventral stream right?